Installation and running

The Http and Player are applications. A debian package and a universal zip package are provided.


The provided deb file can be installed on most Linuxes that are dervied from Debian (like Debian itself, obviously, Ubuntu, Raspbian, …). Install the deb file using this command:

dpkg -i mpc4s-http_0.3.2_all.deb

The deb package includes a systemd unit. After installing the package, you can find the configuration file in /etc/mpc4s-http/mpc4s.conf. After a change, you need to restart mpc4s using systemd:

systemctl restart mpc4s-http

The log output can be viewed with journalctl, for example:

journalctl -efu mpc4s-http


Simply unpack and start the file in the bin/ folder. The configuration file can be given as an argument.

./bin/mpc4s-http ./conf/mpc4s.conf

The default config file is in the conf/ subdirectory. Adopt it to your needs.

With the argument --console, the server can be stopped with the RETURN key.


If you use the Player application, replace mpc4s-http by mpc4s-player in this guide.