
Generic endpoint

POST /api/v1/mpd
Content-Type: application/json

{ "command": "some mpd command" }

This is the endpoint that hands a command as is to MPD. The return is tha answer of MPD converted to JSON. For a list of commands, see mpds protocol specification.

For convenience, there are special endpoints for some commands (see below).

Responses from MPD are encoded in JSON wrapped in an outer object. Here is an example for an idle answer:

  "success": true,
  "type": "IdleAnswer",
  "result": {
    "changes": [

The outer object contains a field success which indicates whether the response was an OK from MPD. If MPD responded with an ACK this is false. If it is true, then there is a result field containing the payload of the MPD response. If it is false, there is an ack field that contains the JSON representation of MPD’s ACK response. An additional type field indicates which kind of response it is.


Using the endpoint /api/v1/mpd with a GET request allows to create a websocket connection. This can be used to get notified about MPD events and also to send commands (same json as above) to MPD using the same connection. The websocket connection is directly connected to MPD; the http server also uses only one connection to MPD for the websocket.

When the websocket is opened, it responds with IdleAnswer events or with answers as results to sending some commands through the websocket. A json decoder can (for example) check the type field to distinguish answer types.

Special Endpoints

These are just convenient endpoints to execute mpd commands. Each one corresponds to a single mpd command.

  • GET /api/v1/mpdspecial/search?tag=value&tag=value&range=0:2 This allows to use the search and find command directly with an http GET request. You can specify multiple tag/value pairs to search for and a window range.
  • GET /api/v1/mpdspecial/list?listtype=value&genre=Classical&track=2 Executes MPD’s list command. Here the listtype is literal and means the tag to list values for. Optionally multiple tag/value pairs can be specified for filtering.
  • GET /api/v1/mpdspecial/count?tag=value Executes MPD’s count command. There must be exactly one tag/value pair.
  • GET /api/v1/mpdspecial/currentsong Executes the currentsong command.
  • GET /api/v1/mpdspecial/status Executes the status command.
  • GET /api/v1/mpdspecial/playlistinfo?pos=2&range=1:3 Returns the current playlist or only a part of it if pos or range are specified. If both are given, then pos wins.
  • GET /api/v1/mpdspecial/listplaylists Lists all stored playlists.

Cover and Booklet files

There are endpoints that deliver cover art or booklet files for an album. One takes a song file and tries to find the corresponding cover image. The other takes an album name and looks up a file using MDP find command and uses it to look up the cover or booklet file.

GET /api/v1/cover/album?name=<albumName>[&size=<sz>]
GET /api/v1/cover/file/<file-uri.flac>[?size=<sz>]
GET /api/v1/booklet/album?name=<albumName>
GET /api/v1/booklet/file/<file-uri.flac>

The cover or booklet is expected to be a file next to the songs in a directory. Some names are tried (which can be configured), while cover.jpg (and booklet.pdf, respectively) is the default (it is tried first). For this to work, you need to configure the same music directory as in your MPD config file. The cover images and booklet files are delivered directly from the file system and are not requested from MPD.

For cover art, a size parameter can be specified. If this is present, the cover art is resized (if it exceeds size) and a squared thumbnail of the given size is returned. The thumbnail is created on the fly and stored on the file system, so it might take a while when requesting for the first time. Keep in mind that this slows down the library page a lot on first access. But once all the thumbnails are created, they are then served from the file system and everything goes pretty fast. If you don’t like this feature, you can turn it off “globally” in the configuration file; the size parameter is then ignored and all clients receive the original cover art file. If an error occurs during resizing, it is logged and the original file is returned. Please see the config file for how to configure this feature. Also note that the directory of thumbnails is not cleaned up automatically.

If you have your cover art only inside each song, then currently that is not supported. You could simply export all of them into its own file; for example for flac files:

find /music/dir -name "*.flac" -printf "%h\n" | uniq | while read f;
  flac=$(ls -1 $f/*.flac | head -n1)
  if ! [ -r "$cover" ]; then
    echo "$f"
    metaflac --export-picture-to="$cover" "$flac"

Note that this script assumes that every song in a folder belongs to the same album and shares the same cover art!

Missing Covers

A missing cover is replaced by a generated image from robohash using the album name as input. This way you get unique images per album.


When looking for cover art for an album, one song of that album is requested from mpd and then its directory is searched for a cover file. Since this always requires a call to mpd, the final paths to a cover file are cached in memory. The assumption is, that these files don’t change (often). If they do, there is an endpoint to clear the cache:

  • POST /api/v1/cover/clearcache

So after startup the first load of all album covers takes a while; but this should then speed up significantly.

Cover images are by default resized. This is faster when there are high qualitiy cover art, since all resized images are cached once they are created.

Booklets and covers share the same cache. So while there is the same route for booklets (/api/v1/booklet/clearcache), they have an identical effect.

Multiple MPD connections

If multiple mpd connections are configured, they are available using its id after the usual endpoint ends. For example, /api/v1/mpd would be /api/v1/mpd/myid, or /api/v1/mpdspecial/currentsong would be /api/v1/mpdspecial/myid/currentsong. The connection with id default (which is mandatory) is always reachable at the “default” endpoints; additionally to its concrete form. For example, both endpoints:

  • /api/v1/mpd and
  • /api/v1/mpd/default

are the same.

Custom data

If you like to serve some static content, it is possible by configuring a custom endpoint. Simply specify a directory and everything below that is served at the /custom/ endpoint.