
Building on the protocol module, this is a mpd client library using FS2.

The entry point is MpdClient which provides ways to send commands and receive responses.

A MpdClient can be created like this:

import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannelGroup
// import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannelGroup

import java.util.concurrent._
// import java.util.concurrent._

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
// import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

import cats.effect.IO
// import cats.effect.IO

import mpc4s.client._
// import mpc4s.client._

implicit val EC = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newCachedThreadPool)
// EC: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutorService = scala.concurrent.impl.ExecutionContextImpl$$anon$4@7728bed

implicit val ACG = AsynchronousChannelGroup.withThreadPool(EC)
// ACG: java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannelGroup =

val mpc = MpdClient[IO](Connect("localhost", 6600))
// mpc: mpc4s.client.MpdClient[cats.effect.IO] = mpc4s.client.MpdClient$$anon$1@27d8008a

MpdClient allows to connect to mpd returning a single element Stream of a MpdConnection. The connection is closed, once the Stream terminates, so the connection must be accessed “inside” that Stream, for example using flatMap.

Additionally there are send methods defined for conveniently issueing commands.

Here is an example to send a simple command:

scala> val resp = mpc.send(Search(Filter.tags(Tag.Album -> "plays"), None, None), 5.seconds)
resp: fs2.Stream[cats.effect.IO,mpc4s.protocol.Response[mpc4s.protocol.answer.SongListAnswer]] = Stream(..)
scala> resp.compile.toVector.unsafeRunSync
res1: Vector[mpc4s.protocol.Response[mpc4s.protocol.answer.SongListAnswer]] = Vector(MpdResult(SongListAnswer(SongList(Vector(Song(Uri(Eike/classic/Ladislav Jelinek/Ladislav Jelinek plays Beethoven/01-Sonata C Major Op53 Waldstein Allegro con brio (L van Beethoven)-Ladislav Jelinek.flac),Some(2018-07-16T18:45:13Z),Some(Seconds(683)),Some(683.0),ListMap(Map(Title -> Sonata C Major Op53 Waldstein, Allegro con brio (L van Beethoven), Composer -> Ludwig van Beethoven, Album -> Ladislav Jelinek plays Beethoven, Track -> 1, Albumartist -> Ladislav Jelinek, Artist -> Ladislav Jelinek, Date -> 2011, Comment ->, Genre -> Classical))), Song(Uri(Eike/classic/Ladislav Jelinek/Ladislav Jelinek plays Beethoven/02-Sonata C Major O...

In this example the codec for the response is chosen at compile time. When the concrete command is not known at compile time, one can use a runtime registry. Then a different send method is used:

scala> val resp = mpc.send1(Search(Filter.tags(Tag.Album -> "plays"), None, None), 5.seconds)
resp: fs2.Stream[cats.effect.IO,mpc4s.protocol.Response[mpc4s.protocol.Answer]] = Stream(..)
scala> resp.compile.toVector.unsafeRunSync
res2: Vector[mpc4s.protocol.Response[mpc4s.protocol.Answer]] = Vector(MpdResult(SongListAnswer(SongList(Vector(Song(Uri(Eike/classic/Ladislav Jelinek/Ladislav Jelinek plays Beethoven/01-Sonata C Major Op53 Waldstein Allegro con brio (L van Beethoven)-Ladislav Jelinek.flac),Some(2018-07-16T18:45:13Z),Some(Seconds(683)),Some(683.0),ListMap(Map(Title -> Sonata C Major Op53 Waldstein, Allegro con brio (L van Beethoven), Composer -> Ludwig van Beethoven, Album -> Ladislav Jelinek plays Beethoven, Track -> 1, Albumartist -> Ladislav Jelinek, Artist -> Ladislav Jelinek, Date -> 2011, Comment ->, Genre -> Classical))), Song(Uri(Eike/classic/Ladislav Jelinek/Ladislav Jelinek plays Beethoven/02-Sonata C Major Op53 Waldstein I...

In the first example, the result type was a concrete anwser type (Response[SongListAnswer]), because it could be found at compile time. In the second example the result type is Response[Answer] which must be casted to a concrete type first to be useful.

These commands open each a new connection to MPD and so the mpd commands idle/noidle are not allowed. If you want to listen for events, use the idle method on MpdClient.

MPD’s idle mode

When a connection is opened to MPD it expects a command in a certain time window. If that passes, the connection is closed by MPD due to a timeout.

To be notified by MPD events and to reuse a single connection more efficiently, the idle command can be used. Read more about this here.

The idle method on MpdClient opens a new connection to MPD and immediatly sends the idle command, effectively disabling the server timeout.

Here is an example. Note that it requires a running MPD to be useful:

import cats.effect.{Effect, IO}
import fs2._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannelGroup
import java.util.concurrent._

import mpc4s.protocol._
import mpc4s.protocol.commands._
import mpc4s.client._

implicit val EC = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newCachedThreadPool)
implicit val ACG = AsynchronousChannelGroup.withThreadPool(EC)

val mpc = MpdClient[IO](Connect("localhost", 6600))

def everySecond[F[_]: Effect]: Stream[F, Long] = {
  Stream.eval(Effect[F].delay(new AtomicLong(0))).
    flatMap(counter => Stream.every(1.seconds).
      filter(_ == true).
      evalMap(_ => Effect[F].delay(counter.getAndIncrement)))

def print: Sink[IO, Response[Answer]] =
  _.evalMap(ans => IO(println(s">>>> $ans")))

val connect = Connect("", 6700)

val read = MpdClient[IO](connect).idle.
  flatMap { m =>
    val actions = everySecond[IO].
        case 0 => m.write(CommandOrList(Status))
        case 1 => m.write(CommandOrList(Clear))
        case 2 => m.write(CommandOrList(SearchAdd(Filter.tags(Tag.Composer -> "Beethoven"))))
        case 3 => m.write(CommandOrList(Play(None)))
        case 4 => m.write(CommandOrList(Status))
        case _ => IO(())


read.compile.drain //.unsafeRunSync // only works if mpd is running

In this example every second a command is send to mpd using a single connection. The same connection is used to read the responses. Both things happen concurrently. At first, the current status is fetched. Then the playlist is cleared and filled with all songs from the database that have a Composer tag including the value “Beethoven”. Then playback is started. And at last, the current status is fetched again.

This prints something like this:

>>>> MpdResult(StatusAnswer(90,false,false,Off,false,1,0,Stop,None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None,Some(0.0),None,Some(),Some()))
>>>> MpdResult(Empty)
>>>> MpdResult(IdleAnswer(Vector(ChangeEvent(Playlist))))
>>>> MpdResult(Empty)
>>>> MpdResult(IdleAnswer(Vector(ChangeEvent(Playlist))))
>>>> MpdResult(Empty)
>>>> MpdResult(IdleAnswer(Vector(ChangeEvent(Player))))
>>>> MpdResult(StatusAnswer(90,false,false,Off,false,3,254,Play,Some(0),Some(Id(1)),Some(1),Some(Id(2)),Some(Range(1,407)),Some(1.137),Some(406.8),Some(198),None,Some(0.0),Some(AudioFormat(44100,16,2)),Some(),Some()))
>>>> MpdResult(IdleAnswer(Vector(ChangeEvent(Player))))

The code above sent 5 commands, but 9 responses have been recorded. The reason is that MPD sent events about state changes through this connection – the purpose of the idle command. The state changes were caused by the commands themselves.

You can see a more realistic use case in the http module where this is used to back the websockets connection.


This module has the following dependencies: