
This module buidls on mpc4s-client to create a http interface to MPD. You can control MPD using simple REST-like endpoints or via a websocket connection (utilising MPD’s idle concept). Responses from MPD are returned as JSON. The commands are normal MPD commands (simple strings) just wrapped in a basic JSON structure.

It also deals with cover images and booklet files from the file system. This requires that mpc4s-http can access the same music directory as MPD.

It is designed to run with low memory and cpu constraints and works quite well on the raspberry pi.


The http module can be used in two ways:

  • as a library to include it in your project
  • as a standalone application

The idea is to provide a good foundation to create web based clients for MPD.


This may be useful if you want to create your client application and want it to be ready-to-run packaged. Just add it as a dependency to your project. This requires that you use fs2-http in your project, too.

You can reuse the Main class or build your own maybe utilizing the Server and App class. The constructor for App allows to specify a custom route that is then served behind the path /player.

See the Player module for an example. It’s main class looks like this:

import cats.effect.{Sync, IO}
import spinoco.fs2.http.routing.Route
import mpc4s.http.{Main => HttpServer}
import mpc4s.http.config.AppConfig

object Endpoint {
  def apply[F[_]: Sync](cfg: AppConfig): Route[F] = ???

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    new HttpServer(cfg => Some(Endpoint[IO](cfg))).run(args)

The Endpoint in this example is creating the route for the player web application. The cfg parameter is the AppConfig, which might be useful for creating the route.


Another scenario may be that you have some HTML or Javascript that only requires to access the endpoints. Then simply download a zip or deb package and start the application.

It can even serve the static content by specifying a directory in the configuration file that will be served (recursively). It is behind the url path /custom. See the configuration section for details.
