
Install nix

Sharry is a flake. You need to enable flakes in order to make use of it. You can also use the provided expressions without Flakes, which is described below.

Try it out

You can try out sharry by running the following:

nix run github:eikek/sharry

To pass a configuration file, provide it to the command after a double-dash:

nix run github:eikek/sharry -- /path/to/sharry.conf

This will run the latest release using a file-based database in the /tmp directory.

A more elaborate setup can be started using the test-vm:

nix run github:eikek/

This starts a VM with sharry installed connected to a PostgreSQL database.

Install via Nix

Sharry can be installed via the nix package manager. Sharry is currently not part of the nixpkgs collection, but you can use this flake.

$ nix profile install github:eikek/sharry

Latest Release

The flake provides two packages: sharry-dev is build from the source tree as referenced by the flake url. The package sharry builds the latest (at time of the commit referenced by the flake url) release as published to GitHub.

The NixOS module uses the sharry package by default. It can be changed via the config to provide a different one.

Sharry as a service on NixOS

If you are running NixOS, there is a module definition for installing Sharry as a service using systemd.

Define this repo in your inputs and refer to its module:

  inputs = {
    sharry = "github:eikek/sharry";

  outputs = attrs@{ nixpkgs, sharry, ... }:
    { = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
        system = "x86_64-linux";
        specialArgs = attrs;
        modules = [
          # include sharry
          # your machine config

Please see the nix/module.nix file for the set of options. The nixos options are modelled after the default configuration file.

Without Flakes

You can use the provided nix expressions without flakes. The default package is in nix/package-bin.nix. Just call them with your nixpkgs instance as usual:

  repo = fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "eikek";
    repo = "sharry";
    rev = "master";
    sha256 = "sha256-/tBvn1l8XUCsNyed4haK9r6jwc1uTCxag4qYv0ns0qs=";
  sharry = callPackage (import "${repo}/nix/package-bin.nix") {};