
This contains examples for how to use sharry with fail2ban. fail2ban is a tool to detect brute force authentication attempts and ban offenders from any further attempts. It continuously reads the logs for lines that fit a regex and parses the ip address of the offender from the line.

Fail2ban requires a jail and filter to be defined. The filter will define which log lines are considered lines detailing failed authentication attempts and where the ip address may be parsed. The jail will define which iptables chain and names should be used to ban the offending ip address in and which ports the offender will be banned for. It also defines how many authentication attempts an ip may try before it is considered an offender, how long the offender is banned for and the (time) window of log lines is considered while searching for offenders.

An example jail config:

enabled = true
port = 0:65535
filter = sharry
action = iptables-allports[actname=name=sharry-in, name=sharry-in, chain=INPUT]
         iptables-allports[actname=sharry-fw, name=sharry-fw, chain=FORWARD]
logpath = /path/to/your/sharry-logging-file
maxretry = 3
bantime = 10m
findtime = 1h

An example filter config:

failregex =  Authentication attempt failure for username .* from ip <ADDR>
             Password challenge failure for share id .* from ip <ADDR>
             No share with id .* Attempt by ip <ADDR>
ignoreregex =