Extract TNEF files

The module emil-tnef can be used to extract winmail.dat (tnef files) that may occur as attachments.


With sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.eikek" %% "emil-tnef" % "0.15.0"


It happens that some clients add an attachment, often called winmail.dat, that contains the complete message, or some attachments. Fortunately, the poi library can read these files. The emil-tnef module provides a convenient way to extract these attachments.

import cats.effect._
import fs2.Stream
import emil._
import emil.builder._
import emil.tnef._

// creating a mail with a TNEF attachment
val winmailData: Stream[IO, Byte] = Stream.empty
val mail = MailBuilder.build[IO](
  AttachStream[IO](winmailData, Some("winmail.dat"), TnefMimeType.applicationTnef)

// replaces each TNEF attachment with its content
val mail2: IO[Mail[IO]] = TnefExtract.replace[IO](mail)
// mail2.unsafeRunSync()

The extraction must read in the tnef byte stream, therefore the return value is inside a F.