
First, some imports and setup:

import cats.effect._
import emil._, emil.builder._

/* javamail backend */
import emil.javamail._

Creating an e-mail

Create a simple mail:

val mail: Mail[IO] = MailBuilder.build(
  CustomHeader(Header("User-Agent", "my-email-client")),
  TextBody("Hello!\n\nThis is a mail."),
  HtmlBody("<h1>Hello!</h1>\n<p>This <b>is</b> a mail.</p>"),
// mail: Mail[IO] = Mail(
//   header = MailHeader(
//     id = "",
//     messageId = None,
//     folder = None,
//     recipients = Recipients(
//       to = List(MailAddress(name = None, address = "test@test.com")),
//       cc = List(),
//       bcc = List()
//     ),
//     sender = None,
//     from = Some(value = MailAddress(name = None, address = "me@test.com")),
//     replyTo = None,
//     originationDate = None,
//     subject = "Hello!",
//     received = List(),
//     flags = Set()
//   ),
//   additionalHeaders = Headers(
//     all = List(
//       Header(
//         name = "User-Agent",
//         value = NonEmptyList(head = "my-email-client", tail = List())
//       )
//     )
//   ),
//   body = HtmlAndText(
//     text = Pure(
//       value = StringContent(
//         asString = """Hello!
// This is a mail."""
//       )
//     ),
//     html = Pure(
//       value = StringContent(
//         asString = """<h1>Hello!</h1>
// <p>This <b>is</b> a mail.</p>"""
//       )
//     )
//   ),
//   attachments = Attachments(
//     all = Vector(
//       Attachment(
//         filename = Some(value = "test.pdf"),
//         mimeType = MimeType(
//           primary = "application",
//           sub = "pdf",
//           params = Map()
// ...

Sending Mails

In order to do something with it, a connection to a server is necessary and a concrete emil:

val myemil = JavaMailEmil[IO]()
// myemil: Emil[IO] = emil.javamail.JavaMailEmil@11c80834
val smtpConf = MailConfig("smtp://devmail:25", "dev", "dev", SSLType.NoEncryption)
// smtpConf: MailConfig = MailConfig(
//   url = "smtp://devmail:25",
//   user = "dev",
//   password = "dev",
//   sslType = NoEncryption,
//   enableXOAuth2 = false,
//   disableCertificateCheck = false,
//   timeout = 10 seconds
// )

Finally, create a program that sends the mail:

val sendIO = myemil(smtpConf).send(mail)
// sendIO: IO[cats.data.NonEmptyList[String]] = Uncancelable(
//   body = cats.effect.IO$$$Lambda$1486/0x00000008017023c0@22b771d1,
//   event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
// )

Accessing Mails

The JavaMail backend implements IMAP access to mailboxes. First, a connection to an imap server is necessary:

val imapConf = MailConfig("imap://devmail:143", "dev", "dev", SSLType.NoEncryption)
// imapConf: MailConfig = MailConfig(
//   url = "imap://devmail:143",
//   user = "dev",
//   password = "dev",
//   sslType = NoEncryption,
//   enableXOAuth2 = false,
//   disableCertificateCheck = false,
//   timeout = 10 seconds
// )

Then run an operation from the email.access interface:

val readIO = myemil(imapConf).run(myemil.access.getInbox)
// readIO: IO[MailFolder] = Uncancelable(
//   body = cats.effect.IO$$$Lambda$1486/0x00000008017023c0@3fd006e8,
//   event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
// )