
The content type of a binary is always an interesting thing to know. It is (kind of) required when serving files from a http server. The content type is part of the BinaryAttributes.

The ContentTypeDetect trait exists to plug in a detector for the content type. The detect method receives a portion of the data as a ByteVector and some hints - either a filename and/or an advertised content type.

You can just use a ContentTypeDetect.none if you don’t bother.

The core module provides an implementation based on the FileTypeDetector api present since Java7. This only looks at the filename if present. If no filename is given in the hint, it will always return application/octet-stream.

import binny._
import scodec.bits.ByteVector

  .detect(ByteVector.empty, Hint.filename("index.html"))
// res0: SimpleContentType = SimpleContentType(text/html)

Note, the result above depends on the runtime. It can be modified by other jars in the class path, for example. For more reliable results, the binny-tikadetect module is recommended.


For a better outcome, the module binny-tikadetect provides a ContentTypeDetect implemenatiton based on the well known tika library. This also looks at the given bytes in conjunction with the provided hints.

import binny._
import binny.tika._
import scodec.bits.ByteVector

// using the filename only
  .detect(ByteVector.empty, Hint.filename("index.html"))
// res1: SimpleContentType = SimpleContentType(text/html)

// using the first view bytes
  .detect(ByteVector.fromValidBase64("iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAA2I="), Hint.none)
// res2: SimpleContentType = SimpleContentType(image/png)