Core API

The core module depends on the fs2 library to provide a convenient api.

The main idea is to have a uniform api for storing/retrieving files across a variety of backends. The most focus is on sql databases. The jdbc and pglo module aim to provide an efficient way to store even large files in databases. But there is the minio module which provides a S3 compatible object storage backend.

A file here is a Binary[F] which is a type alias for Stream[F, Byte]. The BinaryAttributes holds some attributes for a binary, the length, content type and sha256 hash.

The BinaryStore[F] is the main entry point and defines storing/retrieving Binary[F]. BinaryAttributes can be computed for any Binary[F], but a BinaryStore can provide a more efficient way.



Binny defines its own logger interface, to not impose a concrete one on you. You can implement Logger[F] based on some real logging library, like for example log4s; or just use the Logger.silent option for no logging and Logger.stdout option for logging to stdout.

import binny.util.Logger
import cats.effect.IO

val loggingOff = Logger.silent[IO]
// loggingOff: Logger[IO] = binny.util.Logger$$anon$2@3d764641
val stdout = Logger.stdout[IO]()
// stdout: Logger[IO] = binny.util.Logger$$anon$3@71d99732