
Binny is a Scala library for efficiently storing and retrieving (large) binary data from different storage systems, providing a unified, FS2 based api.

It supports SQL databases via JDBC, PostgreSQLs large objects, S3 compatible object storage and the filesystem.

Binny is provided for Scala 2.13 and 3.


With sbt, add the dependencies:

"com.github.eikek" %% "binny-core" % "0.9.0"  // the core library
// … choose one or more implementation modules
"com.github.eikek" %% "binny-fs" % "0.9.0"  // implementation based on FS2 `Files` api
"com.github.eikek" %% "binny-jdbc" % "0.9.0"  // implementation based on JDBC
"com.github.eikek" %% "binny-pglo" % "0.9.0"  // implementation based on PostgreSQLs LargeObject API
"com.github.eikek" %% "binny-minio" % "0.9.0"  // implementation for MinIO
"com.github.eikek" %% "binny-tika-detect" % "0.9.0"  // Content-Type detection with Apache Tika


This project is distributed under the MIT

The logo is from here.